“This course is full of relatable materials and useful examples without the 'fluff' many others present.”

Meet Your Instructor

Angela Murphy is an author, school psychologist, and Complex Trauma Resource's Director of School Programs. She wholeheartedly believes that ALL students can learn and that no child is intrinsically bad. It is her life's work to support teams of students who've experienced hard things with a collaborative and trauma-focused approach.

What's Included

13 Video Lessons

This course is broken down into 13 modules. Each lesson includes a video (8–20 minutes) with Angela that covers a key learning objective.

Workbook & Handouts

Each module is accompanied with a workbook that includes a summary of key takeaways, an activity, and reflective questions.

6 Pro-D Hours

Upon completion, you will receive six hours that can be used towards your professional development requirements.

Join us in this transformative journey at Complex Trauma Resources, where we empower educators to support their students effectively.

This course is led by experienced educator and school psychologist, Angela Murphy, who discovered the game-changing seven developmental domain framework with Dr. Chuck Geddes. This framework shifts the focus from behaviour to student development for long-term growth.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the difference between evident (simple) and subtle (complex) traumas
  • Recognize stress reactions from visible behaviours and add calming techniques to your toolkit
  • Understand trauma's impact on seven developmental areas of the brain
  • Gain proven and practical strategies to facilitate a calm and peaceful classroom environment
  • Discover 10 ways to de-escalate big behaviours
  • Create a trauma-informed Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Curb burnout through educator wellness practices

Watch a snippet of the course below.

What Students Are Saying

This topic is vital at this time. What a privilege to learn how to effectively impact children for positive developmental steps.

"As a high school Education Assistant, I work with many youths who struggle with complex trauma. Knowledge and strategy of what that looks like, feels like and how it affects their everyday life is a vital part of how I can best help them. I highly recommend it to anyone in the field of education.